Acrelec Table

Find and serve customers faster than ever

Enhance your dine-in experience

with speed and precision

Eliminate crowded entrances, stop order confusion, increase customer satisfaction and reduce wait time with ACRELEC Table Service. Our innovative system streamlines the dining experience and provides elevated convenience for your customers. Invite your guests to have a seat, wireless Bluetooth technology helps your crew easily locate and serve them when their orders are ready.

Serve seamlessly

and increase revenue

With a simple wireless installation, the fully customizable ACRELEC Table Service solution can be quickly put to use to meet the unique needs of your restaurant, all with minimal crew training.

Once online, the robust system utilizes complex algorithms fine-tuned over thousands of live implementations to easily find where your guests are waiting, outdoors or inside. The crew member can then click on the highlighted number on the behind-the-scenes monitors to visualize and serve the customer a frictionless experience.
Acrelec Table Service Screenshot

We can locate the customer’s exact location inside and outside without any problems.

Oliver Mix, Franchisee at McDonald’s Germany

20 seconds

Reduce customer waiting time by 20 seconds

Table service solutions compared to operations with no technology

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